Guided Exercise: Limiting Resource Usage


You should be able to use the Kubernetes command-line interface to:

  • Configure an application to specify resource requests for CPU and memory usage.

  • Modify an application to work within existing cluster restrictions.


You need a working Kubernetes cluster, and your kubectl command must be configured to communicate with the cluster.

Make sure your kubectl context refers to a namespace where you have enough permissions, usually username-dev or username-stage. Use the kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=namespace command to switch to the appropriate namespace.


1) Deploy a test application for this exercise that explicitly requests container resources for CPU and memory.

1.1) Create a deployment resource file and save it to a file named hello-limit.yaml. Name the application hello-limit and use the container image located at


This course uses the backslash character (\) to break long commands. On Linux and macOS, you can use the line breaks.

On Windows, use the backtick character (`) to break long commands. Alternatively, do not break long commands.

[user@host ~]$ kubectl create deployment hello-limit \
  --image \
  --dry-run=client -o yaml > hello-limit.yaml

1.2) Edit the file hello-limit.yaml to replace the resources: {} line with the highlighted lines below. Ensure that you have proper indentation before saving the file.

...output omitted...
      - image:
        name: hello-world-nginx
            cpu: "8"
            memory: 20Mi
status: {}

1.3) Create the new application using your resource file.

[user@host ~]$ kubectl create --save-config -f hello-limit.yaml
deployment.apps/hello-limit created

1.4) Although a new deployment was created for the application, the application pod should have a status of Pending.

[user@host ~]$ kubectl get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
hello-limit-d86874d86b-fpmrt    0/1     Pending     0          10s

1.5) The pod cannot be customized because none of the compute nodes have sufficient CPU resources. This can be verified by viewing warning events.

[user@host ~]$ kubectl get events --field-selector type=Warning
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON             OBJECT                            MESSAGE
88s         Warning   FailedScheduling   pod/hello-limit-d86874d86b-fpmrt  0/3 nodes are available: 8 Insufficient cpu.

2) Redeploy your application so that it requests fewer CPU resources.

2.1) Edit the hello-limit.yaml file to request 1.2 CPUs for the container. Change the cpu: "8" line to match the highlighted line below.

...output omitted...
            cpu: "1200m"
            memory: 20Mi

2.2) Apply the changes to your application.

[user@host ~]$ kubectl apply -f hello-limit.yaml
deployment.apps/hello-limit configured

2.3) Verify that your application deploys successfully. You might need to run kubectl get pods multiple times until you see a running pod. The previous pod with a pending status will terminate and eventually disappear.

[user@host ~]$ kubectl get pods
NAME                           READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
hello-limit-d86874d86b-fpmrt   0/1     Terminating   0          2m19s
hello-limit-7c7998ff6b-ctsjp   1/1     Running       0          6s


If your application pod does not get customized, modify the hello-limit.yaml file to reduce the CPU request to 1000m. Apply the changes again and verify the pod status is Running.


Delete the created resources to clean your cluster.

[user@host ~] kubectl delete -f hello-limit.yaml
deployment.apps "hello-limit" deleted

[user@host ~] rm hello-limit.yaml