03.01: Debugging Tasks

Step 1: Create a bad task

Create this task in a file called hello-world-error.yaml.

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
  name: hello-world-error
  - name: echo
    image: alpine
    command: ["echo", "hello world"]

Step 2: Apply the Task to your cluster

To apply the Task to your cluster, save the YAML to a file named hello-world-error.yaml, then run:

kubectl apply -f hello-world-error.yaml

This command applies (creates or updates) the Task on your Kubernetes cluster.

Step 3: Check if the Task is created

To check if the Task is created:

kubectl get tasks

If the Task was created successfully, you should see hello-world-error in the list of tasks.

Step 4: Run the Task

To run the Task, you’ll need to create and apply a TaskRun:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: TaskRun
  name: hello-world-error
    name: hello-world-error

Save this to a file named hello-world-error-run.yaml, then apply it with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f hello-world-error-run.yaml

Step 5: An Error!

This task is supposed to echo the text “hello world” to the console. However, if you run the task, you will get the following error:

Error: failed to run step echo: exit status 1

The reason for the error is that the echo command is expecting a single argument, but the task is passing it two arguments.

To fix the bug, we need to change the command field in the task spec to only pass one argument to the echo command. The following is the fixed task spec:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
  name: echo-task
  - name: echo
    image: alpine
    command: ["echo"]
    args: ["hello world"]

Common Tekton task bugs and the typical error messages

  • Incorrect command: If the command field in the task spec is incorrect, the task will fail with an error message like "failed to run step <step_name>: exit status 1".
  • Missing image: If the image field in the task spec is missing, the task will fail with an error message like "failed to pull image <image_name>: error pulling image".
  • Incorrect arguments: If the args field in the task spec is incorrect, the task will fail with an error message like "failed to run step <step_name>: invalid argument <argument_name>".
  • Incorrect workspaces: If the workspaces field in the task spec is incorrect, the task will fail with an error message like "failed to access workspace <workspace_name>: workspace not found".
  • Incorrect steps: If the steps field in the task spec is incorrect, the task will fail with an error message like "failed to run step <step_name>: step <step_name> not found".

Tips for debugging Tekton task bugs

  • Use the kubectl logs command to get the logs from the task.
  • Use the kubectl describe command to get more information about the task.
  • Use the kubectl get pods command to get the status of the pod that is running the task.
  • Use the tkn taskrun logs <pipeline instance> to see any issues. Don’t forget about the --all flag.