02.04: Creating a Pipeline
Let's Go!
Please note: This pipeline assumes that both tasks “build-docker-image-from-git-repo” and “deploy-docker-image” have been defined and are available in your Tekton environment.
In this pipeline, the build-docker-image-from-git-repo task will run first. The output of this task, which is a Docker image, will be used as an input for the deploy-docker-image task.
Leverage Tekton Hub
For this pipeline, we would like to use someone else’s Task to perform part of our work. As a result, we need to deploy that Task in our own namespace
Assuming we already searched the catalog at Tekton Hub and found kubernetes-actions
. We need to deploy it.
kubectl create -n tektontutorial \
-f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tektoncd/catalog/master/task/openshift-client/0.2/openshift-client.yaml
Creating a Tekton Pipeline
This example creates a Pipeline that includes the two tasks we defined earlier: “build-docker-image-from-git-repo” and “deploy-docker-image”.
Step 1: Create the Pipeline definition
Here’s the Pipeline definition:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
name: build-and-deploy-pipeline
- name: workspace
description: The git repo will be cloned onto the volume backing this workspace
- name: repo-url
type: string
description: The URL of the Git repository
default: https://github.com/langdon/tekton-workshop.git
- name: context-dir
description: the context directory within the repo, in other words, where the Containerfile is
default: website
- name: destination-image
type: string
description: The name of the image to build
default: example.com/workshop-website
- name: deployment-name
type: string
description: The name of the Kubernetes Deployment
- name: namespace
type: string
description: The name of the namespace you want to deploy to
- name: storageDriver
type: string
description: Use storage driver type vfs.
default: vfs
- name: clone-repo
name: clone-from-git-repo
- name: workshop
workspace: workspace
- name: repo-url
value: $(params.repo-url)
- name: build-image
name: build-image-from-git-repo
- name: workshop
workspace: workspace
- name: context-dir
value: $(params.context-dir)
- name: destination-image
value: $(params.destination-image)
- clone-repo
- name: deploy-image
name: kubernetes-actions
- build-image
- name: script
value: |
kubectl create deployment $(params.deployment-name) -n $(params.namespace) --image=$(params.destination-image)
kubectl expose deployment/$(params.deployment-name) -n $(params.namespace) --port=8080 --target-port=80 --type=NodePort
In this Pipeline definition:
- apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1 specifies the Tekton Pipelines API version.
- kind: Pipeline indicates that this is a Tekton Pipeline.
- metadata: name: build-and-deploy-pipeline sets the name of the Pipeline.
- spec:
- params: contains a list of parameters that can be supplied to the pipeline. We have four parameters: repo-url, image-name, deployment-name, and namespace.
- tasks: contains a list of tasks that are included in the pipeline. We have three tasks:
, anddeploy-image
.- taskRef: the name of the actual Task
- runAfter: is used to specify the order of tasks. In this case, deploy-image should run after build-image.
Step 2: Apply the Pipeline to your cluster
To apply the Pipeline to your cluster, save the YAML to a file named build-and-deploy-pipeline.yaml, then run:
kubectl apply -f build-and-deploy-pipeline.yaml
This command applies (creates or updates) the Pipeline on your Kubernetes cluster.
Step 3: Check if the Pipeline is created
To check if the Pipeline is created:
kubectl get pipelines
If the Pipeline was created successfully, you should see build-and-deploy-pipeline in the list of pipelines.
Step 4: Run the Pipeline
Let’s use tkn pipeline start
to run the pipeline.
tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy-pipeline --showlog
Step 5: Fix the Error
Let’s do some debugging!
Examining the error we don’t have permission to be able to run the kubectl
commands in our pipeline. As a result, we need to make a ServiceAccount
with the appropriate privileges. For brevity, we won’t include the yaml for that here. However, we do need to:
kubectl apply -f
Step 6: Run the Pipeline
Now we have a service account, let’s try it again but, we have to tell tkn
about the ServiceAccount
tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy-pipeline --serviceaccount='pipeline' --showlog
We will be prompted with a bunch of questions. You can take the defaults for most but, for the blank ones, you need to give an answer:
: detroit-websitenamespace
: the namespace you are using (likelyworkshop-ns
: this has changed names to be “workspace” but we still use no subdirectory, pvc type, andworkshop-pvc
for the rest of the answers.