03.02: Debugging Pipelines

Step 1: Create the Pipeline definition

Create this Pipeline in a file called deploy-image-error.yaml.

Here’s the Pipeline definition:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
  name: deploy-pipeline-error
  - name: build
      name: build-docker-image-from-git-repo
        - name: repo-url
          value: https://github.com/langdon/tekton-workshop.git
        - name: image-name
          value: tekton-workshop
  - name: deploy
      name: deploy-docker-image
        - name: image-name
          value: $(params.image-name)
        - name: deployment-name
          value: my-deployment
        - name: namespace
          value: default

Step 2: Apply the Pipeline to your cluster

Now run:

kubectl apply -f deploy-image-error.yaml

This command applies (creates or updates) the Pipeline on your Kubernetes cluster.

Step 3: Check if the Pipeline is created

To check if the Pipeline is created:

kubectl get pipelines

If the Pipeline was created successfully, you should see deploy-pipeline-error in the list of pipelines.

Step 4: Run the Pipeline

Let’s use tkn pipeline start to run the pipeline.

tkn pipeline start deploy-pipeline-error --showlog

We will be prompted with a bunch of questions. You can take the defaults for most but, for the blank ones, you need to give an answer:

  • deployment-name: detroit-website
  • namespace: the namespace you are using (likely workshop-ns)
  • workspace: this has changed names to be “workspace” but we still use no subdirectory, pvc type, and workshop-pvc for the rest of the answers.

Step 5: An Error!

This pipeline is supposed to build and deploy a Docker image from a GitHub repository. However, if you run the pipeline, you will get the following error:

Error: failed to run task deploy: exit status 1

The reason for the error is that the deploy task is trying to deploy the image tekton-workshop, but the build task has not yet built the image.

To fix the bug, we need to change the order of the tasks in the pipeline. The following is the fixed pipeline spec:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
  name: deploy-pipeline
  - name: build
      name: build-docker-image-from-git-repo
        - name: repo-url
          value: https://github.com/langdon/tekton-workshop.git
        - name: image-name
          value: tekton-workshop
  - name: deploy
      name: deploy-docker-image
        - name: image-name
          value: $(params.image-name)
        - name: deployment-name
          value: my-deployment
        - name: namespace
          value: default

Common pipeline errors, explanations, and resolutions

Error: failed to run task : exit status 1

This error means that the task_name task failed to run. The most common cause of this error is a syntax error in the task spec.

Error: failed to pull image : error pulling image

This error means that the Tekton Pipelines controller was unable to pull the image_name image from a registry. The most common cause of this error is that the image is not available in the registry or, more commonly, for networking or security reasons, your code “thinks” its not in the registry.

Error: failed to run step : step not found

This error means that the Tekton Pipelines controller was unable to find the step_name step in the task spec. The most common cause of this error is that the step was misspelled. You will be much happier if you pick a naming convention and always stick to it e.g. snake_case, CamelCase.

Tips for debugging pipeline errors

  • Use the kubectl logs command to get the logs from the pipeline.
  • Use the kubectl describe command to get more information about the pipeline.
  • Use the kubectl get pods command to get the status of the pod that is running the pipeline.
  • Use the tkn pipelinerun logs <pipeline instance> to see any issues. Don’t forget about the --all flag.