04.02: Typical errors or warnings in Tekton logs

Typical Errors

Here are some typical errors or warnings you might see in the Tekton logs and a step by step approach to resolving them:

  • Error: failed to run task <task_name>: exit status 1

This error means that the task_name task failed to run. The most common cause of this error is a syntax error in the task spec. To resolve this error, you should check the task spec for syntax errors.

Step by step approach to resolving:

  1. Check the task spec for syntax errors.
  2. If you find any syntax errors, fix them and try running the pipeline again.
  3. If you still get the error, check the logs for more information.
  4. If you can’t find the cause of the error, you can ask for help on the Tekton community forum.
  • Warning: failed to pull image <image_name>: error pulling image

This error means that the Tekton Pipelines controller was unable to pull the image_name image from a registry. The most common cause of this error is that the image is not available in the registry. To resolve this error, you should make sure that the image is available in the registry.

Step by step approach to resolving:

  1. Check the registry to make sure that the image is available.
  2. If the image is not available, you can try pushing it to the registry.
  3. If you still get the error, you can ask for help on the Tekton community forum.
  • Unexpected behavior: task <task_name> is taking longer than expected

This warning means that the task_name task is taking longer than expected to run. This could be due to a number of factors, such as a slow network connection, a large input file, or a bug in the task.

Step by step approach to resolving:

  1. Check the logs for more information about why the task is taking so long.
  2. If you can’t find the cause of the problem, you can try running the pipeline again.
  3. If you still get the warning, you can ask for help on the Tekton community forum.
  • Unusual pattern: spike in resource usage

This warning means that there has been a spike in resource usage in the Tekton Pipelines controller. This could be due to a number of factors, such as a large number of pipelines running at the same time, or a bug in the controller.

Step by step approach to resolving:

  1. Check the logs for more information about the spike in resource usage.
  2. If you can’t find the cause of the problem, you can try restarting the Tekton Pipelines controller.
  3. If you still get the warning, you can ask for help on the Tekton community forum.

Unusual patterns in Tekton logs

Here are some examples of unusual patterns you might see in the Tekton logs:

  • Spikes in resource usage: If you see a sudden spike in resource usage in the Tekton Pipelines controller, this could be a sign of a problem.

  • Increased error rates: If you see an increase in the error rate for a particular task or pipeline, this could be a sign of a bug.

  • Changes in the latency of tasks: If you see a change in the latency of tasks, this could be a sign of a problem with the infrastructure.

  • Unexpected output from tasks: If you see unexpected output from tasks, this could be a sign of a bug or a problem with the input data.

If you see any of these unusual patterns in the Tekton logs, you should investigate them to see if they are causing problems. You can use the following steps to investigate unusual patterns in the Tekton logs:

  1. Check the logs for more information about the pattern.
  2. If you can’t find the cause of the problem, you can try running the pipeline again.
  3. If you still see the pattern, you can ask for help on the Tekton community forum.